Social and Physical Environment Create designated safe and supportive spaces for students to hang out Have a bulletin board to showcase information, community resources and supports Learn where you can’t smoke or vape in Ontario (external link). Post signage from Smoke Free Ontario Act on all entrance doors Have students create posters depicting harmful effects of vaping and the benefits of making healthy choices Explore Health Canada’s Youth Vaping Prevention Resources (external link) Display vaping posters: Hate to Burst Your Bubble: vape poster - Halton Region (PDF file) Stop Vaping your way: poster - Not An Experiment (external PDF) The long-term health impacts of vaping are unknown: poster - Health Canada (external link) Vaping can cause lung damage: poster - Health Canada (external link) Vaping nicotine can alter teen brain development: poster - Health Canada (external link) Vaping posters - Not An Experiment (external PDF) Vaping - The Mechanics: infographic poster - Health Canada (external link)
Home, School, and Community Partnerships Use school newsletters and school websites to share vaping and substance use prevention information with parents: Halton Region School Newsletter/Website Content Not An Experiment School Newsletter Inserts (external PDF) Encourage parents to visit the Not An Experiment Parent/Caregiver webpage (external link) Share the Let’s Talk About Vaping parent and caregiver fact sheet (external PDF) Use the Brief Conversations Toolkit (external link), a guide for caring adults to have positive and productive conversations with youth who vape Learn about vaping cessation supports: I quit for me - Health Canada (external link): A guide for youth who want to quit using tobacco, cigarettes or vapes Not An Experiment Quitting webpage (external link): Pocket Resource (external PDF) Quitting poster (external PDF) Quitting Tear Off (external PDF) Quash - Lung Health Foundation (external link): An app to help quit smoking or vaping Stop Vaping Challenge (external link): An app designed to help youth reflect on vaping behaviours and patterns that encourages quitting with friends
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Implement curriculum using Ophea’s Vaping Education Resources (external link) Explore the resources on the Not An Experiment Educator webpage (external link): Three Lesson Plans (Grade 7/8) (external PDF) with connections to the Ontario health and Physical Education - Healthy Living curriculum. The escape room-style activity is incorporated into the lesson plan series In-person Escape Room Game Resources Printable game files (external PDF) Facilitator Guide (external PDF) Answer Key (external PDF) Escape the Experiment Facilitator Instruction Video (YouTube video) Escape the Experiment Online (external link) PowerPoint slide deck for educators to use to increase their own knowledge and/or supplement their lesson plans (external Powerpoint) Refusal Skills Educator Resource (external PDF) Engage and educate teens on the facts about vaping: Consider the Consequences of Vaping (external link) Explore the resources for educators from School Mental Health Ontario: Substance use and Addiction (external link)
School and Classroom Leadership Collect and review local data and school surveys on vaping and substance use to identify priority areas and make a plan of action. Implement the Take the Clouds Outside Activity (external PDF). A display to encourage students to take vaping out of school washrooms and to teach students about the harms of secondhand vapor Take the Clouds Outside Activity – Cloud Templates (external PDF) Take the Clouds Outside – Announcements (external PDF) Take the Clouds Outside – Posters (external PDF) Print and share the Ontario law postcards (external PDF) Create classroom rules that create a safe environment for students to discuss vaping and to ask questions Apply for grants to support vaping awareness campaigns
Student Engagement Invite students to help develop and implement a healthy school action plan Participate in the Healthy School Certification to build a healthy school community that uses student engagement to support heath and well-being (external link) Encourage student-led initiatives to promote awareness of vaping and substance use Encourage students to take action and continue the conversation about vaping (external link) Have students read the Not An Experiment Announcements (external PDF) Give opportunities for student voice about class and school issues Promote events and locations in the community that offer free opportunities for students to connect