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Chair's Corner


Make an informed decision this Federal election

Oct 17, 2019
October 21 is Election Day in Canada. Many residents are casting their ballots in advance polls throughout our community, and many more will make their decision on Monday. I encourage everyone who is eligible to vote to take the time to do so. This election affects us all—the Members of Parliament (MPs) selected next week will represent our community in Ottawa for the next four years.

In September, I sent a questionnaire to all Federal election candidates about five issues of importance for people living in our community. To help you make an informed decision at the polls, we posted every response we have received to date on, and will continue to post new responses until October 21.

I encourage you to visit our Federal election webpage to read your local candidates’ positions on these important topics. The questionnaire asked Federal election candidates what they would do to:


  • invest in roads and infrastructure;
  • confirm Regional and Provincial regulatory roles in the proposed CN truck-rail hub;
  • address climate change and support community resilience;
  • deliver universal access to broadband internet; and
  • support safe, affordable and accessible government-assisted housing.


We also asked if candidates would vote against their party if necessary to represent the best interests of Halton residents.

Please consider candidate positions and party platforms when casting your ballot—your vote counts! By making an informed decision, you will help keep Halton a great place to live, work, raise a family and retire. For information about the Federal election, including where and when you can cast your ballot, please visit