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Climate Change and the Environment


Learn about our commitment to Climate Action, what we’re doing, and how you can get involved.

Our commitment to climate action

Halton is not immune to the impacts of climate change. The region has already witnessed many severe weather events such as floods, high winds, tornadoes, ice storms and extreme heat and cold. As a corporation we are committed to addressing climate change and transitioning to a resilient, net-zero future.

We are optimistic as we face the global challenge of climate change and will utilize resources and expertise to achieve a climate transition that ensures a strong, healthy, and resilient organization that is equitable, diverse, and inclusive. By reducing our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), adapting our services and supporting our community, we are working to make strides to both mitigate and adapt to climate change.

What we’re doing about climate change

On September 11, 2019, Halton Regional Council joined municipalities across Canada in declaring a climate emergency, strengthening Halton's commitment to protecting and preserving our natural environment while also acknowledging the impact that climate change will have on the future. We have taken action by:

Making Climate Change one of the key themes of our 2023-2026 Strategic Business Plan (PDF file)
Implementing our new Corporate Climate Action Plan to significantly reduce our corporate emissions and prepare for a changing climate
Working alongside our community and local partners to deliver a new Community Climate Action Plan
Supporting our partners with their Municipal Climate Response

Our Corporate Climate Action Plan

Halton Region’s Corporate Climate Action Plan is a significant milestone in in our climate response and we are on a mission to net zero corporate greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

The Plan is the first of its kind at Halton. It includes four themes and identifies key actions we are taking as an organization over the next 20 years, which include:

  • measuring, tracking, monitoring and mitigating our greenhouse gas emissions;
  • concluding a renewable energy generation study;
  • electrifying (rightsizing) the Region’s fleet vehicles;
  • exploring the advancement of a carbon budget; and
  • advancing partnerships that align with Regional climate change initiatives.

What you can do about climate change

Take Action

Action: Improve your Home’s Efficiency

Buildings accounted for 58% of Halton emissions in 2022. One of the easiest ways to reduce emissions is to be mindful of emissions produced by heating, cooling and powering your home.


  • Check your windows and doors for air leaks, use weatherproofing strips, seal draft doors, and consider upgrading to energy-efficient windows and doors.
  • Install a smart thermostat.
  • If your home’s heating and/or cooling system needs replacing, consider installing a heat pump or high efficiency furnace.
  • Pumping, treating, and heating water requires energy. Reduce your water usage.
Action: Reduce Your Transportation Emissions

In 2022, transportation accounted for 36% of community emissions. Switching transportation methods is a sustainable (and healthy) way to make a large impact in your community.


  • Whenever possible - walk, bike, or roll to your destination.
  • Take advantage of public transportation.
  • In the market for a new car? Consider leasing or purchasing an electric vehicle.
Action: Stay prepared

Accessing local services and staying up to date with local climate news will help you and your family to adapt to the changes and effects of the local climate.


Working with Community and Partners

Partners for Climate Protection Program

We are proud members of the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Program (external link). The PCP Program is a national network of over 500 municipalities who are taking action against climate change to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions. As a region, our Coporate climate change protection efforts work towards the milestones shown in the visual below. We are proud to have accomplished milestones 1, 2 and 3 and are now working through implementation, progress and reporting results (Milestones 4 and 5).

The Partners for Climate Change Protection (PCP) Milestones

  • Create a baseline emission inventory and forecast
  • Set emission reduction targets
  • Develop local action plan
  • Implement the local action plan
  • Milestone progess and reporting results

Climate action resources

An introduction to climate change

What is climate change?

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. There is clear scientific consensus that human activities are currently responsible for our changing climate. Scientists have showed that humans are responsible for virtually all global heating over the last 200 years. Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions that act like a blanket wrapped around the Earth, trapping the sun’s heat and raising temperatures.

Where is it happening?

Climate change is impacting the entire world. In Ontario, we are seeing hotter summers, warmer winters, and more storms and heavy rain and wind events. In Halton Region, the weather has and will continue to become warmer, wetter and wilder.

When will it affect us?

Noticeable changes are already occurring with impacts to infrastructure, water supplies, human health, agricultural yields, and much more. Without global and local action these consequences will continue to increase in intensity and frequency.

Who is affected by climate change?

All living things on the planet will be affected by climate change through changes to their ways of life and habitats. The rapid rate at which climate change is progressing will make it difficult for humans, animals, and plants to adapt and respond to the changing conditions they face.