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Download Engineering Design Guides & Manuals


Access engineering design guides that define standards for public infrastructure projects.

Instructions to download guides and manuals

  • Check the box(es) to select the manual(s) you would like to review.
  • Once checked, the title of the manual will be highlighted.
  • Click on the link to open and/or save.

For hard copies, email to make arrangements for delivered to you at your cost.

These documents are intended for the benefit of Halton Region (“the Region”), for the provision of Water, Wastewater & Regional Road infrastructure owned or to be constructed by the Region. The Region provides no warranty, either express or implied, with regards to the use of, or reliance upon, the documents for use in relation to any works.

Individuals accessing this information may make copies of, and distribute copies of the documents contained herein, for use on projects other than Water, Wastewater & Regional Road infrastructure projects undertaken by the Region provided that the individuals distributing this information inform the recipient(s) of the source of the information and of the details and requirements of these Terms & Conditions of Use.

No responsibility will be assumed by the Region for the use of these documents for any projects other than those undertaken by the Region.

Individuals accessing this documentation may modify their copy(ies) or any portions thereof for their purposes and may copy and distribute the modified product to third parties provided that the following conditions are met:

a. You must notify the Region of the cause of the modification, and provide details of the modification to the Region along with the purpose of the intended use;

b. You must agree that any work that you distribute (including publication), which in whole or in part, contains or is derived from these documents or any part thereof, to be provided as a whole at no charge to all third parties;

c. You must agree to assume any and all risk associated with the distribution of the documents to third parties and shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Region, its agents and assigns, for all damages incurred as a result of your modification and/or distribution of the documents.

The documents may not be copied, modified, sublicensed, or distributed except as expressly outlined herein.

The intent of subsection a) above is to permit the Region to update and improve these documents as applicable to the Region. The intent of subsection b) above is to ensure that all third parties are permitted the same access to these documents as the individuals accessing this site. It is not the intent of the Region to claim or contest any right, title or interest to works authored entirely by the individuals accessing this site, or prevent from selling value added services related to the use of these documents.

End of Terms and Conditions of Use

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