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The Dinewise program is a mandatory food safety program for food premises in Halton Region. Learn about the requirements of the Dinewise program and how the program is implemented.

About Dinewise

The Dinewise program is a mandatory food safety program for food premises in Halton Region. The program focuses on providing consumers with a way to find out if a restaurant meets food safety standards as set out by the Ontario Government.

Program requirements

The program has two requirements:

  • Post a Certificate of Inspection
  • Provide Summary Inspection Reports upon request

For more information, review the by-law: 90-09 A By-Law to Regulate Disclosure of Food Safety Inspection Reports to the Public (PDF file).

Certificate of Inspection

All food premises must post a Certificate of Inspection (PDF file) in a location that is visible to patrons. The certificate tells patrons that Summary Inspection Reports are available for viewing upon request.

Summary Inspection Report

A Summary Inspection Report outlines whether a food premise has met basic food safety standards as required by provincial legislation. All food premises must provide the Summary Inspection Reports (PDF file) to patrons upon request. Ask the manager at the establishment to see their report. Posting of Summary Inspection Reports are now available on the Halton Region website.

Search through the Directory of Food Premises for inspection reports.