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Need Help in Burlington?


There are many resources for older adults living in Burlington. Check out the list of helpful links to useful resources for older adults and caregivers in Burlington.

Emergency Services

Ambulance, fire and police emergency response

Emergency/Crisis Services

Emergency Housing/Housing Help

Police Non-Emergency

Do not call 911

Fire Non-Emergency

Do not call 911

Health Connect Ontario

Formerly Telehealth

Ontario Poison Centre

Joseph Brant Hospital

Community Information

Halton Regional Services

Housing, health, social services, waste collection

City of Burlington

Library, public transit, recreation, etc.

Information Burlington

Burlington Seniors Centre

Health Care Connect

Find a doctor


Burlington Transit

Burlington Community Connection Bus

Burlington Specialized Transit

Wheelchair/walker accessible

Canadian Red Cross Society

Canadian Cancer Society

A&A Deluxe Taxi

Wheelchair/walker accessible

Blueline Taxi

Wheelchair accessible vehicles upon request

Gem Taxi

Wheelchair/walker accessible

Medical transportation


Community Support Services

Acclaim Health Dementia Care

Alzheimer Society


Connection in Action

A community project that aims to prevent and reduce social isolation and increase social connections for adults aged 55 and older.

Distress Centre Halton

In Home Care


In-home medical alert system

Acclaim Tele-Touch

Telephone reassurance

Acclaim Health

Bereavement, home care, fall prevention, etc.


Friendly visits and calling, home help and maintenance

Meals on Wheels

Safety At Home

Fall prevention

Ontario Health atHome

Ontario Health atHome (external link) can help you:

  • Assess your needs with bathing, dressing and continence care
  • Apply for adult day programs and long-term care
  • Get the right walker or wheelchair
  • Make your home safe
  • Find foot care programs