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Water, Wastewater and Transportation Integrated Master Plan


We are working on a new Integrated Master Plan to help support future water, wastewater and transportation infrastructure needs in Halton. As part of the first Public Information Centre (PIC), the community and other stakeholders provided feedback to help inform our study.

About the project

Study overview

The Integrated Master Plan will build on existing Regional water, wastewater and transportation systems and develop strategies to enable Local Municipal future growth targets to 2051.

The Integrated Master Plan will:

  • guide the management and development of the Region's water, wastewater and transportation systems (including the active transportation network and master plan);
  • maximize capacity, system flexibility and extend the life expectancy of Regional water, wastewater and transportation infrastructure; and
  • outline the strategies for maintaining and improving these critical systems to ensure we meet the needs of the community now and in the future.

The components of the plan are:

  1. Water – focused on the delivery of safe, clean drinking water to homes and businesses within the urban areas.
  2. Wastewater – addresses the collection and treatment of sewage from the urban areas before returning the treated water safely to the environment.
  3. Transportation – focuses on a Regional transportation network for transit users, active transportation (e.g., pedestrians and cyclists), cars and trucks that accommodates all users and all abilities.

Study area

The Integrated Master Plan study area includes Halton’s four local municipalities: the City of Burlington, and the Towns of Halton Hills, Milton and Oakville. It includes the existing and future water and wastewater systems for urban areas and Regional transportation systems.

Vision statements

The following vision statements have been updated based on input from the first Public Information Centre. They will help guide the Integrated Master Plan decision-making process.

Integrated Master Plan

Building a safe, equitable and sustainable future for the Region's Water, Wastewater and Transportation systems through responsible and proactive planning.

 Water and wastewater

Planning for a future Regional water and wastewater system that is safe, efficient, resilient and prioritizes the environment.


Planning for a future multi-modal Regional transportation system that is safe, continuous and connected across Halton to support all modes of travel, users and abilities. 


The following considerations have been updated based on input from the first Public Information Centre. They will also help guide the Integrated Master Plan decision-making process:

  • Equitable Infrastructure Services – provide for water and wastewater services in urban areas and access to multi-modal Regional transportation infrastructure (including active transportation, transit and auto).
  • Safe and Healthy Communities – support healthy and active lifestyles and community well-being. For example, the provision of active transportation infrastructure and the provision of safe drinking water.
  • Sustainability – balance social, environmental and economic goals to support growth in a sustainable manner.
  • Climate Change – all phases of Regional water, wastewater and multi-modal transportation infrastructure planning must recognize and incorporate climate change.
  • Communication and Consultation – ensure the IMP process and strategies are clearly and openly communicated and consulted on with stakeholders.
  • Integration of Planning for Regional Infrastructure – ensure a coordinated approach to implementation of Regional water, wastewater, and transportation infrastructure.
  • Technical Innovation – include innovation in the development of Regional water, wastewater and multi-modal transportation infrastructure strategies.

Public Information Centre materials

For detailed information about the study, check out our Public Information Centre presentation (PDF file). You can also watch or listen to our video recordings of the presentation below.

1. Introduction

Learn about the purpose of this PIC, what the study is about, the process and schedule, and the overall study area.

View introduction video transcript (PDF file)

2. Water and Wastewater

Learn about the opportunities and considerations for water and wastewater infrastructure.

View Water and Wastewater video transcript (PDF file)

3. Transportation

Learn about the opportunities and considerations for Regional transportation infrastructure.

View Transportation video transcript (PDF file)

4. Next steps

Learn about the upcoming study milestones, the next steps in the study, and how to provide your feedback on the material shared as part of this PIC.

View next steps video transcript (PDF file)

Learn more and share your feedback

To find background information or download copies of notices and reports:
Please contact the project team to be added to the study mailing list or if you require information in an alternate format:

What we heard

Halton Region has initiated an Integrated Master Plan (IMP) to complete the next region-wide Water, Wastewater and Multi-Modal Transportation Master Plans. The outcome of this work will be a long-term integrated servicing strategy for Regional infrastructure to accommodate future growth. The Integrated Master Plan will provide the strategies, policies and tools required to meet the future water, wastewater and transportation infrastructure needs of the region.

Public and review agency consultation is a key element of the Integrated Master Plan process and input will be sought throughout this study, including Public Information Centres. The purpose of the first virtual Public Information Center (PIC), held from November 27, 2023 to January 2, 2024, was to explain the Master Plan process, identify problem and opportunities, and for public stakeholders to share their feedback. Comments and feedback received is being taken into consideration as the Region and consulting team move into the next phase of the Master Plan study.

Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions the Region received from PIC #1.

Protection of the natural environment and Natural Heritage System is a key consideration and will be prioritized as part of development of servicing strategies and within the evaluation criteria for selecting the preferred solutions.

The IMP will be a living document and will be responsive to growth priorities, changing standards, guidelines and advances in technology.

The IMP is being planned under the current Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process, which is an approved process under Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act. Development of the plan and strategies will draw upon the most current standards, guidelines and best practices in water, wastewater and transportation infrastructure planning. For example, the recent update of the Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM) Book 18 will be considered in the development of the active transportation infrastructure network improvements.

The Region will consider all feedback and comments provided through the development of the plan and strategies. For example, based on feedback received, the Region has updated the Project Vision and Considerations, as follows:

Vision Statements:

  • General: Building a safe, equitable and sustainable future for the Region's Water, Wastewater and Transportation systems through responsible and proactive planning.
  • Water & Wastewater: Planning for a future Regional water and wastewater system that is safe, efficient, resilient and prioritizes the environment.
  • Transportation: Planning for a future multi-modal Regional transportation system that is safe, continuous, and connected across Halton region to support all modes of travel, all users and all abilities.


  • Equitable Infrastructure Services: Provide for water and wastewater services in urban areas and access to multi-modal Regional transportation infrastructure (including active transportation, transit and auto).
  • Safe and Healthy Communities: Support healthy and active lifestyles and community well-being. For example, the provision of active transportation infrastructure and the provision of safe drinking water.
  • Sustainability: Balance social, environmental and economic goals to support growth in a sustainable manner.
  • Climate Change: All phases of Regional water, wastewater and multi-modal transportation infrastructure planning must recognize and incorporate climate change.
  • Communication and Consultation: Ensure the IMP process and strategies are clearly and openly communicated and consulted on with stakeholders.
  • Integration of Planning for Regional Infrastructure: Ensure a coordinated approach to implementation of Regional water, wastewater, and multi-modal transportation infrastructure.
  • Technical Innovation: Include innovation in the development of Regional water, wastewater and multi-modal transportation infrastructure strategies.

The systems are operated separately, Halton Region owns and operates the wastewater system, and the Local Municipalities own and operate the local stormwater system. This means that stormwater runoff and wastewater generated by homes and businesses are conveyed and managed separately.

The Integrated Master Plan will review options for region-wide water supply. The long-term water supply must support the existing service areas and projected growth in both the groundwater and lake-based service areas.

Active transportation (cycling and walking) is a priority to support a safe and efficient multi-modal transportation network. Provision of a well-connected active transportation network will be key. Key considerations in developing the active transportation network will include:

  • prioritization of safety and user needs;
  • maximization of corridor space;
  • opportunities to remain dynamic;
  • connection to local municipal networks;
  • coordination with transit and network continuity; and
  • active transportation crossings at Ministry of Transportation infrastructure.

The Vision for transportation is to plan for a future Regional transportation system that is safe, continuous, connected and coordinated for users of all abilities. This will include providing a multi-modal transportation system (e.g., choices for active transportation, transit and auto) for all road users. Transit and active transportation will be key considerations.

Next steps and anticipated timing


  • Notice of Commencement issued.

  • Project update.

  • Public Information Centre #1

    Master planning process overview.
    Problem and opportunity statement.
    Baseline information, such as growth projections, existing systems and opportunities/considerations.
    Gather public input and answer questions

  • Review and consider feedback from agencies, stakeholders and the public.
    Consult, review and consider feedback from Indigenous Communities.

  • Public Information Centre #2

    (Details coming soon!)

This study is being conducted in accordance with Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process (October 2000, as amended 2007, 2011, 2015 and 2023) which is approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act, RSO. 1990.