Harm Reduction consists of practical strategies aimed at reducing the harms associated with drug and substance use, a movement for social justice, human rights and respect for people who use drugs and substances.
Harm reduction is about equity, justice and providing people with resources specific to individual need without judgement, intimidation or discrimination. Our program supports users without requiring them to stop use.
Exchange Works is a program of Halton Region's Harm Reduction Services. We maintain close working relationships with community partners, and our clients, so we stay on top of trends and issues going on in the community. As part of this program, outreach workers operate a mobile outreach service in Halton Region that involves:
This program helps to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS and other blood-borne illnesses, such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, among intravenous drug and steroid injection users by providing clean supplies for injection/smoking.
We provide:
Please note supplies are subject to change
You can access Exchange Works by:
Texting or calling mobile outreach services (on a confidential cell phone)
Walk-in to the following Exchange Works fixed sites:
Other community agencies can also provide free harm reduction supplies to their clients. See the Find Supplies Map (external link) from Ontario Harm Reduction Distribution Program for more harm reduction supplies and disposal bin locations in your area.
To reduce the risk of injury, it’s important to properly dispose of drug use equipment. Always place sharps in a biohazard bin or puncture proof container such as a bleach container or pop bottle.
Sharps containers are provided through Mobile Outreach Services, fixed sites in Burlington and Oakville or see the Find Supplies Map (external link) from Ontario Harm Reduction Distribution Program for disposal bin locations in your area.
You can dispose sharps at any of these locations or call the mobile outreach van to pick them up. Additionally, they can be disposed at the Halton Waste Management Site or your local pharmacy.
To connect with the harm reduction program call 311 or email needleexchange@halton.ca.