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Well Water


In many areas – especially rural ones – Halton residents rely on private wells, cisterns and other sources for their drinking water.

Halton Region’s Public Works department maintains and tests municipal water supplies in our communities. However, private wells in rural areas are the responsibility of the homeowner. To keep your drinking water safe, homeowners should:

  • test their well water frequently by submitting a water sample and submission form to a local water depot; and
  • regularly inspect and maintain wells.

Homeowners should test their well water for bacteria frequently. It is recommended to test in the spring, summer and fall, especially following a heavy rainfall. A well water sample bottle for bacterial analysis can be ordered online or by visiting a local water depot.

Chemical testing should be considered by homeowners if contamination is suspected or if chemicals are known to occur naturally at elevated levels in the area groundwater.

On this page, access information about well water quality, testing and well disinfection.