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2023-2026 Strategic Business Plan


The Strategic Business Plan sets priorities and actions for the current term of Regional Council.

Developing the 2023-2026 Strategic Business Plan

With every new term, Halton Regional Council and staff develop a Strategic Business Plan that sets priorities and determines actions required to deliver on issues that matter to you. To support the development of the Plan, residents, businesses and community partners as well as Indigenous People, Communities and First Nations were engaged in a public consultation process. Public engagement activities included an online survey, virtual public meetings and a community partner meeting. Input received helped to inform the Plan and ensure it reflects what matters most to the community.

The 2023-2026 Strategic Business Plan identifies four key themes with proposed goals, actions and outcomes for the current term. The Plan will continue to support the delivery of Regional programs, services and infrastructure to residents in Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton and Oakville, as our community continues to grow, reaching 1.1 million residents by 2051.


A welcoming and inclusive community that is sustainable, economically strong, equitable and safe.


To enhance the quality of life in Halton for all – today and into the future.

  • Vision: A welcoming and inclusive community that is sustainable, economically strong, equitable and safe.
  • Mission: To enhance the quality of life in Halton for all – today and into the future.

Halton Region’s commitment to each of the following important initiatives will inform the implementation of the priorities detailed in the Plan:

  • equity, diversity and inclusion;
  • advancing Truth and Reconciliation;
  • taking action to address climate change; and
  • protecting the environment.
Sustainable Development Goals

The 2023-2026 Strategic Business Plan (PDF file) outlines the Region’s support for the United Nations SDGs and demonstrates the alignment between the SDGs and the Region’s strategic initiatives.

The cover of the 2023-2026 Strategic Business Plan. You can click this image to download the PDF or access the file through other links in the page content.

Strategic themes for 2023-2026

The 2023-2026 Strategic Business Plan's goals, actions and measures are grouped into four themes:

Icon for Community Well-Being. Community Well-Being

  • Expand assisted housing, supportive housing and emergency shelter options in partnership with the Federal and Provincial Governments.
  • Prevent illness and improve the health of residents while reducing health inequities.
  • Improve Paramedic Services response times.
  • Advance community safety and well-being.
  • Align key human services with new Provincial policy directions.

Icon for Infrastructure and Growth. Infrastructure and Growth

  • Deliver Regional infrastructure required to support housing growth and economic development in the Halton municipalities.
  • Maintain the Region’s infrastructure in state of good repair.
  • Promote enhanced broadband services including 5G technology in both rural and urban areas as a key socio-economic driver.
  • Improve access to transit, cycling and other active transportation on Regional roads.

Icon for Climate Change and the Environment. Climate Change and the Environment

  • Take action to achieve a corporate target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions prior to 2050.
  • Partner with the Local Municipalities and other Halton stakeholders to advance a collective community climate change response.
  • Maximize residential waste diversion in Halton.
  • Partner with Conservation Halton, the Local Municipalities and other stakeholders to protect the environment.

Icon for Excellence in Government. Excellence in Government

  • Ensure continued financial sustainability through effective financial planning and risk management.
  • Enhance service delivery by increasing access to digital services and modernizing the Region’s technology platforms by 2026.
  • Partner in advancing Truth and Reconciliation through meaningful relationships with Indigenous People, Communities and First Nations.
  • Be an employer of choice committed to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

Monitoring and reporting

Consistent with Halton Region’s continued commitment to public accountability and transparency, progress on the 2023-2026 Strategic Business Plan goals and actions will be reviewed and reported to Regional Council on an annual basis. In addition, the measures will be updated as needed to reflect developments in program strategies and plans to ensure progress is made toward achieving Council’s priorities.