I like to keep active and one of my favourite ways to stay fit and get around in Halton is by bike. Halton offers many on and off-road cycling options for cyclists of all ages and abilities. Whether you are looking for a leisurely ride along the Lake Ontario waterfront, a visit through a historic downtown or challenging escarpment routes, there is something for everyone to get outdoors, stay active and enjoy the region.
Make your next ride an experience
Halton’s cycling map is an important resource to help cyclists explore what our region has to offer. The 2019 map now features Ontario By Bike destinations that cater to the specific needs of cyclists, and has all the information you need to help you plan your next ride in Halton:
- Eight cycling routes ranging from 36 to 100 km in length and a variety of intensity levels, with a map and highlights for each route;
- Bike-friendly, certified Ontario by Bike (external link) services and amenities marked on the map so you can plan stops at bike shops, washrooms, restaurants and overnight accommodations.
- Challenging and adventurous mountain biking trails at Conservation Halton (external link) parks that are fun for all ages and skills.
Looking for a new challenge?
Cycling enthusiasts can also use the indoor track at the Mattamy National Cycling Centre - Milton velodrome. This world-class facility is host to professional cycling competitions year-round. The annual Epic Tour, GTA’s GranFondo, is one of the largest mass road cycling events in Canada, and provides new and exciting challenges.
Keeping Halton safe on the roads
As every fellow cyclist knows, being safe on the roads is one of the most important parts of the adventure. Safety is a key priority for the Region and that is why we continue to invest in safe, active transportation options such as off-road multi-use paths and dedicated on-road bicycle lanes. Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians are reminded to share the road and follow these road safety tips when traveling.
I hope to see many of you out on your bikes, discovering or maybe re-discovering what makes Halton such a great place to live, work, raise a family and retire. To get your copy of Halton’s updated cycling map and learn more about cycling in Halton, visit halton.ca.