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Provides information on bicycle safety, by-laws and the Share the Road program in Halton.

Bicycle safety

Bicycles are considered vehicles under the Highway Traffic Act. Cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as motorists.

Cyclists are one of the most vulnerable road user groups. Cyclists should behave like traffic when using roads. Safety is always a prime concern. Bicycle-related injuries are a frequent cause of death and injury among young children.

Helmet Safety

Under 18 must wear a helmet

Wearing a bicycle helmet can reduce the risk of head/brain injury by 85%

  • White light mounted on the front
  • Red reflector on the back
  • Bell or horn
  • White reflective tape on the front forks
  • Red reflective tape on the front and rear stays

ABC Bike check

  • Air
  • Breaks and Bars
  • Chain
Safety Checklist
  • Wear shoes that cover your toes and are not slip on
  • Wear reflective clothing when it’s dark
  • Cycle on the right side of the road with the flow of traffic
  • Do not cycle on the sidewalk or on the crosswalk
  • Look over your shoulder before making a turn
  • Alert drivers of turns with signals
  • Obey rules of the roads, traffic signs and lights
  • Treat a driveway as an intersection


Crossrides are crosswalks for bicycles. At the crossride intersection, you’ll see paint markings showing where cyclists and pedestrians should go. When on the connecting multiuse trail, cyclists can stay on their bike and cross the road when the signal display shows the cyclist can cross.

A cyclist crossride beside a pedestrian crosswalk at an intersection
Tips for cyclists
  • Cyclist must depress the button in order receive the bicycle green signal.
  • When the bicycle signal is green, ride carefully across the intersection within the crossride, watching for left- and right-turning vehicles;
  • Be sure to travel at a speed that allows you to stop quickly if a vehicle makes a sudden turn;
  • Obey all traffic signs and signals; and
  • Don’t pass other cyclists within the crossride. When passing pedestrians, ring your bell and pass carefully.
Tips for drivers
  • When making a turn, be extra careful about cyclists and pedestrians who are crossing the intersection;
  • Yield to cyclists and pedestrians who enter the intersection; and
  • Obey all traffic signs and signals.
Tips for pedestrians
  • Cross at the marked crosswalk and watch for vehicles.
  • Avoid using electronic devices, texting, etc. while crossing the road; and
  • Obey all traffic signs and signals.

Share the Road Program

Share the Road (external link) is an educational program that raises motorist awareness of popular cycling routes on roadways. Halton Region installed "Share the Road" signs throughout the road network.

Share the Road sign locations encompass:

  • Common cycling routes
  • Scenic or recreational sites
  • Linkages to municipal bike routes
  • Good pavement conditions
  • Low truck volumes
  • Reasonable speed limits
share the road sign with a bike logo