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Chair's Corner


Regional Chair Gary Carr: Enjoy a safe and healthy summer in Halton!

Jul 15, 2021
Summer Safety Tips

As the Province begins to lift restrictions through their Roadmap to Reopen, I know we’re all looking forward to spending more time outdoors and exploring our community this summer. Before heading out, I encourage you to take advantage of the great resources and services that Halton Region offers to help keep the community safe and healthy. Here are some tips to help keep you and your family safe and healthy this summer:

Check beach water monitoring results before swimming

Before planning to swim at one of Halton’s beautiful public beaches, be sure to check if the water is safe. Water quality at public beaches is monitored weekly by Halton Region Public Health. Check the latest results and sign up to conveniently receive the latest updates by email.

Sign up for heat and air quality alerts

Keeping up to date on heat and air quality alerts is an important and helpful way to prevent heat related illness. During extreme heat and air quality events, the Region issues environmental alerts, which you can easily sign up to receive by visiting Halton’s Heat Warnings webpage. You can also find tips for preventing heat illness and learn how to protect yourself during the warm weather.

Protect yourself from ticks and prevent Lyme disease

While spending time outdoors, protect yourself from tick bites by:

  • staying on trails and avoiding known tick environments if possible;
  • wearing long-sleeved, light-coloured shirts, pants and closed-toe shoes;
  • use insect repellent approved by Health Canada; and
  • always check your clothing, body and pets for ticks after spending time outside.

For more tips on preventing tick bites and protecting yourself from Lyme disease, visit Halton's Lyme Disease page.

Help prevent mosquito bites and remove potential breeding areas

As the weather becomes warmer, the mosquito population increases. Unfortunately, mosquitoes can spread West Nile virus, so it’s important to protect yourself when outdoors, especially in wooded areas. To help protect yourself, wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, socks and shoes when outdoors in the evening or early morning, and use an insect repellent approved by Health Canada. For more information, visit our West Nile virus webpage.

Observe wildlife from a distance

Halton Region is home to beautiful conservation areas, trails and a variety of options to explore the outdoors. Remember to observe wildlife from a distance when enjoying these spaces, as these animals may carry rabies. To help protect yourself and your family, remember to never touch, move or feed wildlife and keep your pets up to date with their vaccinations. Visit our webpage to learn more about protecting your family and pets against rabies.

Additionally, please remember to continue to follow public health measures to protect yourself and our community from COVID-19. For the latest guidance, please visit By making choices and practicing behaviours that help keep everyone safe, our community continues to be a great place to live, work, raise a family and retire. Have a safe and wonderful summer!