Summary of recruitment and hiring services
Employment Halton is a free service offered through Halton Region that can help you meet your hiring needs.
Recruitment and Hiring Services
We offer personalized services that include:
- Screening and matching services to help you select the best candidate
- Reference checking and education verification service
- Training incentive programs to offset the cost of training and hourly wages
- WSIB coverage during work placements
- Follow up support for the employer and trainee
Information on Halton's online job board is a FREE and EASY job posting site that can help support your hiring needs. Employers can:
- Post job opportunities
- Connect with local job seekers
- Access our screening and matching job referral services
- Sign up to participate in job fairs
Employment Halton event details for employers offers employers:
Hiring Events and Job Fairs
Hiring Events
- Each month, we invite employers to speak to job seekers about hiring practices and opportunities.
- For more information on becoming a speaker, sign up by email at or by calling 311.
Job Fairs
- Participate in one of our regularly scheduled job fairs and meet qualified local candidates.
- The event is open to the public.
- For more information on participating in the job fair, sign up by email at or by calling 311.