Orders for school-based vaccines can now be placed by faxing a completed School-Based Vaccine Order and Reporting Form (PDF file) to 905-465-3403.
Previously, clinics could only order single doses of school-based vaccines to administer to an eligible youth in their practice. Orders placed through the special orders process were patient-specific, which meant that healthcare providers needed to know who the vaccines would be administered to when placing their order. Public Health staff would then review the order, review the patient’s immunization records reported to Public Health, and confirm eligibility prior to filling the order.
To reduce the administrative work associated with ordering school-based vaccines, and to allow healthcare providers to have a small supply of school-based vaccines available at their office to administer to eligible patients, clinics can now order up to 5 doses of each school-based vaccine (or up to 20 doses for larger practices with multiple physicians, or single physician practices that regularly administer school-based vaccines).
When ordering the next batch of school-based vaccines, healthcare providers will be able to report back to Public Health who received the school-based vaccines associated with their previous order.