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Water Service Rates and Fees

Water and wastewater charges change year to year. Learn about the breakdown of rates on your current water bill.

Breakdown of rates on water bill

Your water bill is made up of two charges: a monthly service charge and a usage charge. The following rates are effective as of January 1, 2025.

Monthly service charge*

Meter Size in millimetres Water Only Wastewater (Sewer) Only Water & Wastewater Combined
20 mm or less $17.88 $20.47 $38.35
25 mm $31.02 $35.79 $66.81
40 mm $55.03 $63.77 $118.80
50 mm $128.03 $148.70 $276.73
75 mm $233.61 $270.33 $503.94
100 mm $403.95 $468.71 $872.66
150 mm $1,036.45 $1,202.64 $2,239.09
200 mm $1,668.65 $1,936.87 $3,605.52
250 mm $2,087.69 $2,350.91 $4,438.60

* Most residential customers are billed bi-monthly (2x's the monthly rate will appear on the bill)

Monthly consumption charge

Cubic meters (m3) Water Only Wastewater (Sewer) Only Water & Wastewater Combined
Per Cubic Metre $1.4627 $1.6908 $3.1535

Consumption charges are prorated.

Monthly service charge

Meter Size in millimetres (mm) Water Only Wastewater (Sewer) Only Water & Wastewater Combined
20 mm or less $17.88 $20.47 $38.35
25 mm $52.82 $71.35 $124.17
40 mm $86.91 $116.96 $203.87
50 mm $190.04 $255.94 $445.98
75 mm $338.53 $456.47 $795.00
100 mm $579.01 $780.36 $1,359.37
150 mm $1,471.02 $1,983.10 $3,454.12
200 mm $2,363.41 $3,185.81 $5,549.22
250 mm $2,953.06 $3,979.84 $6,932.90

Consumption charge

Cubic meters (m3) Water Only Wastewater (Sewer) Only Water & Wastewater Combined
Per Cubic Meter $1.4627 $1.6908 $3.1535

Rate cards

Check the current and historical fees and charges for water and wastewater.

Water Works By-law

By-law 71-19 (PDF file) respects the supply of water, the establishment, construction, maintenance, operation,improvement and extension of water works systems for Halton Region, and the establishment of water rates and charges.