Moody’s Investor Services Aaa rating
On March 19, 2024, Moody’s Investors Service affirmed its top credit rating for Halton Region for the 36th consecutive year, providing the Region and its Local Municipalities with continued access to the best funding rates in the capital market.
Moody’s report highlighted the following credit strengths as rationale for their decision:
- exceptional levels of liquidity and low debt burden;
- strong governance and management including forward looking operating and capital planning;
- diversified economy and strong population growth leads to rising tax base; and
- stable and predictable revenue sources support strong fiscal outcomes, and shelter the Region from fiscal pressures including adverse Provincial changes.
To learn more about Moody’s review and analysis, please read the report presented to Halton Regional Council from the March 20, 2024 meeting:
Report to Council: March 20, 2024 (external PDF)