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Agencies, Boards and Advisory Committees


Learn about groups appointed by Regional Council to provide input, guidance, and recommendations.

Regional Council may form advisory committees to obtain valuable input, guidance and recommendations from the public. These committees rely on citizen volunteers or appointments from other agencies to bring their experience and ideas to issues of Regional jurisdiction. Regional Council may create other advisory or liaison committees from time to time depending on the needs of specific programs or services.

  • Each advisory committee operates in accordance with a terms of reference that is approved by Regional Council.
  • When citizen participation is required on any of the agencies, boards or advisory committees, available positions are publicly advertised and application forms are made available through the Region’s website.

Access to Council

If you require any accommodations to attend or participate in Council-related meetings or events, please contact the Regional Clerk at or 905-825-6000, ext. 7405.

Halton's Committees

The Development Charges Advisory Committee advises and assists the Region as it prepares the Development Charges Background Study in order to update Halton’s Development Charges By-law. The Development Charges Act, 1997 (external link), requires this update at least every five years or earlier, as determined by Council.

The most recent Development Charges Background Study was released to the public in December 2021. The Development Charges Advisory Committee will resume its work in 2026 or at such time as determined by Council.


The Committee includes 15 members from the development industry, business sector, citizens and Regional Council, consisting of:

  • 4 citizens at-large, appointed by Regional Council
  • 2 members from the Residential Home Builders Association – 1 to be selected from Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) and 1 to be selected from West End Home Builder’s Association (WE HBA) (formerly Hamilton-Halton Home Builders’ Association (HHHBA));
  • 2 members representing the non-residential developers, to be selected by BILD;
  • 2 members representing business/Chamber of Commerce, selected by the Economic Development Partnership
  • 4 members of Regional Council
  • The Regional Chair



Paula Kobli, Senior Advisor, Development - Finance

The Halton Region Accessibility Advisory Committee advises and assists Halton in promoting and facilitating a barrier-free Regional government. The Committee’s work includes providing input on the identification, removal and prevention of barriers to people with disabilities when accessing the Region’s programs, services and facilities. The establishment of an Accessibility Advisory Committee is required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (external link) (AODA).


The Committee includes:

  • 1 member of Regional Council
  • 1 member of Halton’s Older Adult Advisory Committee
  • 8 citizens-at-large, at least 6 of whom have a disability

Council Membership (2022 to 2026)

  • Mayor Rob Burton



Gabrielle Baldazzi, Policy Advisor

The Halton Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee advises and assists the Region its efforts to promote reduction, reuse and recycling (3Rs) of solid waste generated in Halton and limit off-site impacts due to operations at the Halton Waste Management Site. It also helps monitor waste haulage in the Region as required by the Conditions of Approvals under the Environmental Assessment Act, 1990 (external link).


The Committee includes:

  • 4 Councillors, one from each Local Municipality, either Regional or Local
  • 8 citizens-at-large (preferably, at least 4 of whom live near the Halton Waste Management Site)
  • 1 member from the Halton Agricultural Advisory Committee
  • 1 member from Conservation Halton
  • 1 member of Regional staff who performs the Environmental Inspector duties (advisory, non-voting)

Council Membership (2022 to 2026)

  • Councillor Lisa Kearns (City of Burlington)
  • Councillor D’Arcy Keene (Town of Halton Hills)
  • Councillor Sameera Ali (Town of Milton)
  • Councillor Allan Elgar (Town of Oakville)



Shirley McLean, Acting Manager, Waste Management Landfill Operations

The Older Adult Advisory Committee provides advice and feedback on Regional policy, planning and services impacting older adults. The Committee’s work includes providing a forum for stakeholder and community input on older adult initiatives, issues and best practices.


The Committee includes:

  • 2 members of Regional Council
  • 4 to 6 older adults living in Halton (citizens-at-large), preferably representing each of the Local Municipalities
  • 1 member representing either the private or non-profit older adults’ housing sector
  • 5 members from organizations or associations serving Halton older adults including representatives in older adult-focused community health services, faith or culturally based groups or social services
  • 4 members selected by the Municipal older adults’/seniors’ advisory committees and/or older adults’/seniors’ centres (preferably one member from each of the Local Municipalities)

Council Membership (2022 to 2026)

  • Mayor Rob Burton
  • Councillor Shawna Stolte



Agencies, Boards and Other Committees

The Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) is a private, non-share capital corporation, responsible for managing and operating Lester B. Pearson International Airport. It is governed by a 15-member Board of Directors. This Board consists of five individuals from the Regional Municipalities of Durham, Halton, Peel, York and the City of Toronto, two from the Federal Government, one from the Ontario government and seven other individuals selected through a search process.

When required, the GTAA will request Halton to nominate up to three citizens, one of whom is then appointed by the GTAA for a three-year term. The GTAA by-law also permits Directors to be re-nominated for an additional three-year term, to a maximum of three terms (or nine years) of service. Requirements for candidates for the Board of Directors position are outlined in the GTAA’s by-law. In general, individuals with senior level (“C-suite”) executive experience and a strong community involvement are preferred.


  • The term for the current Director from Halton Region will conclude in May 2027.
  • If you are interested in serving on this Board, please check this page closer to that date.


Graham Milne, Regional Clerk

Learn more

The Halton Developers' Liaison Committee provides a structured committee forum consisting of Halton development professionals, Council members and Regional staff. The group discusses issues of mutual concern related to land development matters in Halton, including considering possible solutions around alternatives when presented. The Liaison Committee is not an Advisory Committee of Regional Council.


The Committee includes no more than 21 members, including the following:

  • Halton Region Commissioner of Public Works (Chair)
  • 4 members of Regional Council (one from each Local Municipality)
  • The Regional Chair, or a designate
  • Up to 11 private sector development professionals, appointed by Regional Council (with a targeted balanced representation by profession)
  • 5 designated senior staff representatives from Halton Region, or their designates

Council Membership (2022-2026)

  • Chair Gary Carr
  • Mayor Rob Burton
  • Councillor Kelvin Galbraith
  • Mayor Gord Krantz
  • Mayor Ann Lawlor



The Halton Police Board is responsible for the provision of adequate and effective police services in Halton. The Board must also ensure that the standards issued by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services are upheld. Involvement in the day-to-day operational decisions of the Halton Regional Police Service is prohibited.


The Board consists of seven members as follows:

  • 3 members of Regional Council including the Regional Chair, or a designate
  • 3 members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (Province of Ontario)
  • 1 member appointed by resolution of Regional Council, who is neither a member of the Council nor an employee of the municipality

Council Membership (2022-2026)

  • Councillor Jeff Knoll
  • Councillor Lisa Kearns
  • Councillor Sameera Ali


Graham Milne, Regional Clerk

Police Board website:

The City of Burlington, the Town of Halton Hills, the Town of Milton, the Town of Oakville and the Regional Municipality of Halton have established a Joint Compliance Audit Committee for 2022-2026.

Learn more about the Municipal Election.

This Committee is required by the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (external link), and is responsible for considering requests of financial audits of candidate campaigns and third-party advertisers in Municipal Elections. It is composed of between three and seven members with a background in accounting, auditing, law, election administration and/or public administration. Members must possess some or all of the following:

  • understanding of the Municipal Elections Act’s municipal election campaign financing provisions;
  • experience in administrative law;
  • proven analytical and decision-making skills;
  • experience working on a committee, task force or in a similar setting;
  • demonstrated oral and written communication skills; and
  • any other criteria as may be prescribed under the Act.

Members cannot be:

  • members of Council or employees of the City of Burlington, Town of Halton Hills, Town of Milton, Town of Oakville or Regional Municipality of Halton;
  • candidates or registered third parties in the recent Municipal Election, their family members, or any person connected to a candidate through an employment, contractual, business or partnership relationship;
  • anyone who has participated as a candidate for an office or registered third party in the City of Burlington, Town of Halton Hills, Town of Milton, Town of Oakville or Regional Municipality of Halton in the past two regular municipal elections, or who have conducted audits or provided financial or legal advice in respect of such campaigns; and
  • anyone who intends to assist any candidate or registered third party, as a volunteer or for compensation, in the recent Municipal Election.

The composition for this Committee has been established with a term ending November 14, 2026.

Reports and Documents

  • Staff Report LPS33-22 (external PDF) - dated April 20, 2022
    Re: 2022 Municipal Election – Update of the Use of Regional Resources Policy and Joint Compliance Audit Committee Terms of Reference (Report approving the creation of the Committee)
    • Attachment #2 (PDF file) - Terms of Reference for the Joint Compliance Audit Committee (Structure of the Committee including its mandate and requirements)

If you require documents in an alternate format, email or call 311.

Contact Information

Graham Milne, Regional Clerk

The Royal Botanical Gardens (RBG) is a registered charitable organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who ensures that the RBG fulfils its legislated mandate and that its mission, policies and strategies are appropriate and current. The Board also ensures financial responsibility and approves the RBG's annual budget.


Halton Region is represented by two members on the RBG Board, including one member of Regional Council appointed by Council and one citizen representative appointed by Council. Other representatives include:

  • 2 representatives from the City of Hamilton
  • 2 Federal appointees
  • 2 Provincial appointees
  • The President of McMaster University, or a designate
  • 1 representative from the RBG Auxiliary/Volunteerism Leader
  • 1 representative appointed by the RBG

Council Membership (2022-2026)

  • Councillor Kelvin Galbraith


Graham Milne, Regional Clerk