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Mineral Aggregates

Learn about mineral aggregate operations in Halton, including pits and quarries. Includes policies, licensing and applications under review.

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Applications under review

Policies and licensing

Aggregate sites are licensed under the Aggregate Resources Act in Ontario (external link).  The Regional Official Plan contains policies that preserve agricultural lands, address climate change, and protect the Natural Heritage System, while protecting aggregate resources for long-term use, to help Halton plan for sustainable development.

Approval for new and expanded licenses

While the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry approves licenses for new or expanded aggregate operations, approvals from different agencies are required including:

Joint Agency Review Team (JART)

Halton Region and the agencies review applications through a Joint Agency Review Team (JART) process. The JART is typically composed of agency-appointed staff and experts from Halton Region, the Niagara Escarpment Commission (external link) (if the application is on lands subject to the Niagara Escarpment Plan), the local municipality, and the applicable conservation authority. This team undertakes the technical review of studies submitted in support of aggregate applications such as:

  • Hydrogeology and water resources
  • Natural heritage
  • Planning justification
  • Air quality
  • Noise
  • Blasting
  • Cultural heritage and archaeology
  • Financial impact
  • Transportation impact and safety

Together, the participating agencies share information and expertise, collaborate, and engage the public throughout the review of an application. Studies are expected to be produced in accordance with Halton Region’s Aggregate Resources Reference Manual (PDF file).

The JART’s structure, objectives, working relationship, and work plan are outlined in the Halton Consolidated Streamlined Mineral Aggregate Review Protocol which was most recently updated in February 2020: JART Protocol (PDF file)

The One Page Summary of the JART Protocol (PDF file) provides an overview of the JART review process:

State of Aggregate Resources

Under Policy 110(12) of the Regional Official Plan, Halton Region is required to provide Regional Council with a State of Aggregate Resources in Halton Region report every two years. This report is the only comprehensive document on aggregate activities in Halton Region, reporting on the status of aggregate licenses and extraction activities, complaints and violations, implementation of Adaptive Management Plans, fulfilment of rehabilitation obligations and status of aggregate applications under review.