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Find or Become an Authorized Tester


Learn about where to find and how to become an authorized Backflow Prevention Device installer and tester.


About the Cross-Connection Control Program

The Cross-Connection Control Program helps protect Halton's drinking water. It requires property owners and tenants of industrial, commercial, institutional and multi-unit residential buildings to install backflow prevention devices and have them tested by an accredited contractor every year.

Backflow prevention devices ensure water flows in only one direction, preventing anything from re-entering the drinking water system after it is delivered to a building. To learn more about the Region's role, please visit the Cross Connection Control Program webpage.


For property owners: find an authorized tester or link properties

Find an authorized tester

Use our online tool to find contractors registered with the Region (external link). Their services include:

  • ​completing the required survey for your property; 
  • installation of new or replacement backflow prevention devices; and
  • conducting annual testing on backflow prevention devices.

You can also use another contractor and have them contact Halton for instructions on what they need to do. Viewing the list of authorized testers does not require a Halton 311 business account.

Find an authorized tester

Link a property

Link a property with your Halton 311 business account (external link) and manage your backflow devices online. You must provide ownership information to link the property. Use this service to:

  • register any Industrial, Commercial, or Institutional properties you own to a new or existing Halton 311 business account
  • view a list of all linked properties, their associated backflow devices, their annual testing dates, and cross connection control survey dates
  • review the status of any pending requests for your account
Access Property owner tools

For contractors: upload test reports or become an authorized tester

Upload test results

Submit your backflow test reports and surveys (external link) online! Once registered through a Halton 311 business account, use our online service to:

  • enter test report and survey information;
  • upload necessary documents or images;
  • select a payment option; and
  • digitally authorize the report then send it for review.
Access Contractor tools

Become an authorized tester

To become an authorized tester, use our online service to submit an application (external link). You must include the following (as .pdf or .jpg):

  • professional certification
  • testers license from an Ontario Water Works Association accredited institution (in accordance with CSA B64)
  • test kit calibration certificate for all test kits
  • copy of WSIB certificate
  • copy of liability insurance
Access Contractor tools

Supporting documents


Submitting reports

Survey and test reports must be submitted to Halton Region within 28 days of completion. Contractors submitting test reports online must select a payment option with the payor's name and contact information.


  • new property/construction survey fee of $128.80 + HST ($145.54 with tax included; no fee for re-surveys)
  • test fee of $64.40 + HST ($72.77 with tax included, per device)

Payment options:

  • credit card – provide payor name and phone number in test report submission
  • e-transfer – send fees to; list the property information in the subject line of the e-transfer
  • cheques – make payable to: Halton Region Attn: CCCP, and mail to Halton Region with an itemized list of all properties the cheque covers

If a contractor installs a backflow prevention device, a copy of a signed plumbing permit (from the Local Municipality) must also be included with the test report. This can be uploaded with the digital submission.