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Doing Business with the Region


Learn about the Region's procurement process, bid opportunities, the Vendor Code of Conduct, and the Vendor Performance Management Program.

COVID-19 Vendor Policies and Procedures

Proponents must review and follow the policies below as part of doing business (or renewing existing agreements) with Halton Region:

Supply Chain Management Overview

Halton Region’s Supply Chain Management division is responsible for the procurement of goods, services and construction projects:

  • for all Regional departments
  • with a total contract value over $15,000

Strategic Sourcing at Halton Region is conducted in accordance with our Procurement By-law (PDF file) and applicable trade agreement obligations.

Supply Chain Management provides vendors with fair and equal opportunities to bid on Regional business.

Search for Opportunities

You can view Halton Region’s advertised bid opportunities on Halton's Bid Opportunities website, Bids and Tenders for the following commodities:



Construction projects

Irregularities in connection with any bid will be resolved in accordance with Regional policies and procedures, and the Bid Irregularities below.

In addition to Halton Region’s opportunities posted on Bids and Tenders, Halton Region may leverage buying groups and collaborative procurement processes to conduct joint procurements or join existing agreements available to Halton Region.

Halton Region may leverage agreements from:

Vendors are encouraged to access the websites linked above to participate in procurements that Halton Region may leverage in the future.

Bid Irregularities

  • Bids received after the procurement solicitation Closing Date and Time Major Irregularity
  • Bids that are missing forms or Bids not submitted on the forms specified in the procurement solicitation, such as:
    • Vendor Code of Conduct (VCC) Acknowledgment Form Minor Irregularity
      • If the VCC is missing, the Vendor will be given two (2) business days to rectify
      • If the VCC is included in the submission but some fields are missing, the Bid will be accepted and the Vendor will be asked to rectify prior to Award if they are the successful Vendor
    • Technical Proposal Major Irregularity
      • Failure to upload the technical proposal
    • Schedule of Prices (Cost Proposal) Major Irregularity
      • Failure to upload the schedule of prices
    • Bid Bond Minor Irregularity
      • If the Bid bond is missing or completed incorrectly, the Vendor will be given two (2) business days to rectify
  • Qualified Bids Major Irregularity

  • Bids received by means other than the Region’s Public Procurement Website Major Irregularity

  • Bids not conforming to the Mandatory Criteria of the specifications contained in the procurement solicitation Major Irregularity

  • Bid irregularities for Non-Binding Procurements Minor Irregularity

Types of irregularities

  • Major Irregularity
    Major Bid irregularities will result in rejection of the Bid
  • Minor Irregularity
    Minor Bid irregularities must be rectified within the timeline outlined in the procurement solicitation. Failure of a Bidder to rectify their Bid in accordance with the rectification procedure will result in the rejection of its Bid

Unsolicited Proposals

Unsolicited Proposals encourage innovation opportunities and new ideas that have the potential to enhance public benefit in various areas across the Region. If you wish to submit an Unsolicited Proposal, please send an email to

Any procurement resulting from an unsolicited proposal has to meet the requirements of the Procurement By-law. There is no obligation on the Region to action unsolicited proposals.

Vendor Code of Conduct

Halton Region procurement documents now include the Halton Region Vendor Code of Conduct (PDF file) which requires vendors to demonstrate:

  • solid business integrity
  • alignment with our core values
  • high standards of ethical behaviour

To be eligible for selection, bidders must confirm that they will comply with the Vendor Code of Conduct. When submitting your bid, please include the signed vendor code acknowledgement form.

Vendor Performance Management Program

Effective January 1, 2024, the Region has introduced a Vendor Performance Management Program, which promotes good and consistent performance of vendors who provide goods, services, and/or construction to the Region.

This program supports provisions in the Region’s Procurement By-Law that require monitoring and assessment of vendor performance. The program will only apply to certain projects and it will be clearly noted in the procurement solicitation documents if applicable.

For more information about the Vendor Performance Management Program, please email

Suspended vendor list

No vendors are currently suspended.

Frequently Asked Questions: Online Bids

  1. Register at (external link)
    • Unlimited annual subscription fee of $165.00 or a one-time fee per bid opportunity of $45.00
  2. View bid opportunities, addendums and results
  3. For more information, see the user guide (external PDF)
  • Halton Region’s preferred method of payment is direct deposit
  • Complete the Vendor and Direct Deposit Application and provide a void cheque
  • The Regional Municipality of Halton
    Attention: Accounts Payable
    1151 Bronte Road
    Oakville, ON L6M 3L1
  • State: first name, last name and extension number
  • Email: