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Potential Vacant Homes Tax


Learn about a potential vacant homes tax that could encourage owners of unoccupied homes in Halton to rent or sell, helping to improve supply.

What is a vacant homes tax?

A vacant homes tax is an additional tax on unoccupied homes. It could encourage owners to sell or rent them out, helping to increase the number of homes available in Halton. This type of tax is commonly implemented in communities with high housing prices and a low supply of homes for sale or rent.

Working to help improve housing supply with a Vacant Homes Tax Study

Housing supply and affordability can be a challenge for those who want to live in our growing community. One way we are addressing this issue is studying how a vacant homes tax could help improve housing supply and contribute to Halton's Comprehensive Housing Strategy

In June 2021, Halton Regional Council directed staff to report back on a potential tax on vacant homes. A feasibility assessment undertaken by Ernst & Young LLP found that a vacant homes tax could help reduce the number of vacant homes in Halton. In April 2022, Regional Council directed staff to develop a proposed vacant homes tax program framework, which includes:

  • completing public engagement to obtain input from residents and stakeholders; and
  • undertaking a design and implementation study to develop the proposed VHT program framework.

On October 23, 2024, through Report No. FN-26-24 Halton Regional Optional Vacant Home Tax Program (PDF file), staff provided Council with the findings of the study that was completed by Ernst & Young LLP on an optional Vacant Homes Tax Program in Halton Region. At the time of writing the report, the City of Burlington, and the Towns of Milton and Halton Hills approved resolutions that they be excluded from any potential by-laws that would implement a vacant home tax within their respective municipalities. If the Council of the Town of Oakville approves to implement a Vacant Homes Tax, it will be required to provide a supportive statement to Halton Region indicating its participation in the program.

Please refer to the timeline below for further details.

Vacant Homes Tax

Would I be affected?

The potential vacant homes tax would only apply to unoccupied homes. It will only affect those who own a home in Halton that is vacant.

Vacant homes tax timeline

2022 Public meetings

The public engagement conducted in 2022 featured two virtual meetings open to all interested residents, businesses and stakeholders. To view recordings of these sessions, please play the videos below.