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Community Resources


Halton Region provides a multitude of supports and resources for its residents in need.

Where to get help in Halton

A number of community resources are available in Halton to benefit its residents in need.

Rental Arrears and Subsidized Housing

Halton Region Housing Services supports low and moderate income households with housing and/or financial assistance. See what supports might be available to you.

Halton Region may also be able to provide one-time assistance with the cost of your rental arrears or moving expenses. Talk to your case manager about your eligibility.

Child Care Subsidy

The child care subsidy program helps Halton families who qualify with the cost of child care. The subsidy is available to families who are attending school, working or looking for work.

Subsidies can be applied to licensed child care programs and licensed private home child care agencies that have an Agreement with Halton Region.

  • food banks
  • emergency food services
  • food box services

Help with Electricity Costs

If you are in a lower-income home, you may qualify for a reduction on your electricity bill.

The Ontario Electricity Support Program (external link) (OESP) will apply a monthly credit to your bill. The credit amount will depend on your total household income and the number of people living in your home.

Visit the Ontario Energy Board (external link) for more detail.

Filing Income Taxes

Low income individuals with a simple tax situation may be eligible to have their taxes completed at no charge at income tax clinics provided by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) around Halton Region.

To participate in this community outreach program, you must meet CRA criteria.

Find a clinic location and date (external link) most convenient for you.

Mental Health Supports

The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is a nation-wide voluntary organization that provides a range of services and supports to people who suffer from mental illness.

Visit the CMHA - Halton Branch (external link) site for more information on its services and to connect with the team for support.

Other Community Resources