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Trafalgar Road Improvements - Oakville


Halton Region is making improvements to Trafalgar Road in the Town of Oakville to address future traffic demands and provide safe travel options for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.

About this project

Improvements to Trafalgar Road in the Town of Oakville is currently under design in Phase 2 between Hays Boulevard and William Halton Parkway. Improvements include:

  • Widening from four to six lanes
  • New on-boulevard active transportation infrastructure
  • New bus stops and shelters
  • New traffic signals and street lights
  • New landscaping
  • New trunk wastewater main
  • New stormwater infrastructure
  • Equipment for the Regional Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) will also be installed. The ATMS is a traffic signal control system that enables real-time signal adjustments to save time, reduce emissions and improve safety for motorists.

Phase 1 Improvements now complete!

Work on Phase 1 of the Trafalgar Road Improvements project (PR-2079B), between Leighland Avenue and north of Hays Boulevard, is now complete! Thank you for your patience.

  • Widening from four to six lanes
  • New sidewalks
  • New off-road bike lanes
  • New bus stops and shelters
  • New traffic signals and street lights
  • New noise walls
  • New landscaping
  • Upgraded watermains
  • Upgraded stormwater main infrastructure
  • Installed equipment for the Regional ATMS

Project renderings

Explore the images below for what you can expect to see once improvements are complete.

Cross sections

Trafalgar Road Phase 2 cross-section

Phase 2 Renderings

View of southbound Trafalgar Road lanes at Dundas Street
View of southbound Trafalgar Road lanes at Dundas Street
Rendering by Jordan Melo, Sheridan College

Improvements include:

  • road widening
  • new bus shelter and bus bay
  • new curb and sidewalk
  • new bike lane
  • new street lighting
View of northbound Trafalgar Road lanes at Wheat Boom Drive
View of northbound Trafalgar Road lanes at Wheat Boom Drive
Rendering by Bijan Tjahja, Sheridan College

Improvements include:

  • road widening
  • new bus shelter and bus bay
  • new curb and sidewalk
  • new multi-use pathway
  • new street lighting
  • new traffic signals
View of southbound Trafalgar Road lanes from Marvin Avenue to Settlers Road
View of southbound Trafalgar Road lanes from Marvin Avenue to Settlers Road
Rendering by Griffin Smith, Sheridan College

Improvements include:

  • road widening
  • new curb and sidewalk
  • new multi-use pathway
  • new street lighting
View of southbound Trafalgar Road lanes at Burnhamthorpe Road
View of southbound Trafalgar Road lanes at Burnhamthorpe Road
Rendering by Bijan Tjahja, Sheridan College

Improvements include:

  • road widening
  • new bus shelter and bus bay
  • new curb and sidewalk
  • new multi-use pathway
  • new street lighting
  • new traffic signals

Thank you to all of the Sheridan College students who submitted rendering designs to Halton Region for the Trafalgar Road Improvements project. To view a list of the runners up and their rendering submissions, please visit Sheridan's Institutional Repository (external link).

Project map

Project Timeline

Phase 2 Tentative Timeline
Hays Blvd to William Halton Pkwy

What you can expect day-to-day

Trafalgar Road is a major north-south corridor that residents and motorists rely on to get to work, school and services every day. Halton Region is making every effort to minimize the disruptions and help you plan ahead for construction activity.

Learn more about what to expect day-to-day, our mitigation plans and how to stay connected on the project.

Advance notice of any service disruption or construction impacts will be provided to residents in-person, through letter, email and website updates.

Below are some impacts you may experience:

  • Truck traffic: You will notice occasional increases in truck traffic. Please use extra caution while driving.
  • Waste Collection: Your waste collection schedule may need to be adjusted to accommodate construction.
  • Noise: Work will be scheduled in accordance with local noise by-laws. Some work outside of regular hours may be necessary for technically challenging construction operations.
  • Vibration: You may experience some vibration due to the work being done. As a precaution, we recommend that you remove or secure objects on shelves and walls.
  • Dust and mud: The contractor is required to keep dust and mud contained. 
  • Tree Removals: To accommodate road widening, we will be removing trees along the road corridor. Some pruning of hazardous trees and limbs may be required. A Certified Arborist will direct the planting of new trees and replace trees previously lost through management of hazardous trees. 

Advance notice of any closures or restrictions will be available through letter, email, social media, road signs and website updates.

The following mitigation strategies have been put in place to minimize the impact on traffic and travel:

  • Widening one side of the road at a time: This allows two lanes of traffic to continue in each direction during peak hours.
  • Using electronic road signs: Road signs will show up-to-date travel times.
  • Monitoring traffic flow: The Region will monitor traffic through overhead vehicle detection at traffic signals; Closed Circuit Television (CCTV); and coordination of network traffic operations.
  • Coordinating public transit: Halton will coordinate with Oakville Transit to ensure transit users have the latest information.

Latest traffic updates and notices

Traffic updates

There are no traffic updates at this time.

Latest notices

If you require the following documents in an alternate format, please call 311, TTY: 905 827-9833 or e-mail

Sign up for email updates on Regional improvements

Stay up-to-date

Halton Region has a dedicated Construction Ambassador for this project who will be available to meet with residents and businesses to address any questions or concerns.

You can also stay connected by:

  • signing up to get the latest project and traffic updates by email;
  • following @RegionofHalton (external link) on Twitter for the latest updates;
  • emailing or calling 311 with any questions; or
  • visiting this webpage for the latest information.